Our AGM will take place at 12:00, during our October meeting. We anticipate it should take 30 minutes or so, but we are extending our meet hours by 1.5 hours so as not to lose any valuable driving time.

Members for the club year 2022/3 may attend the meeting.

The Club’s Articles of Association provide for an AGM so that we can provide members with a summary of the previous year. This is your opportunity to have your say and ask questions or make suggestions.

We also said that we would put a number of the officers roles up for re-election from this year. The elections will take place as part of the AGM.

So that we can schedule the time for the AGM, and endeavour to keep it as short as possible, we are asking that any proposals for officers and items for Any Other Business (AOB) or questions and comments are submitted either during the September meeting, or by 30th September at the latest.

The Officers up for election are Webmaster, Logistics Officer and Secretary.

The Logistics Officer arranges all transport of the layout to our monthly meetings AND to our other display locations. The current Officer is Rob Briggs

The webmaster is charged with the maintenance our website, maintaining software levels and updates, publishing agreed supplied and self written articles to it, maintaining the online diary and suggesting or supplying new content. The current Officer is Allan Shillitto

The Secretary maintains a full record of our committee meetings, circulating agendas and minutes and retaining a record of them. The current Officer is Paul Evans.

The current officers will stand for re-election.

We would also like to elect 3 Officers without portfolio.

If you would like to know more or get involved then please do contact us either by DM or email.  Proposals may be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Each proposal will need one seconder and both proposer and seconder MUST be current members AND members of the club for the previous year (2022/3).

The current Holders of these offices will stand for re-election.

 The AGM agenda will be:

1. Chairman’s Report - review of the year

2.Treasurer’s report - How we are doing financially.

3. Future - what we propose for the Club in 2024, and beyond

4.  Election of Officers

5. AOB

6. Questions and Answers

The AOB/Questions submission form is here. We look forward to your input and feedback.